Media releases

For media enquiries contact NWDAP communications

26 September 2024

National committee welcomes wild dog decision in Victoria

19 September 2024

National wild dog committee tackling challenges head on

10 September 2024

Consultation with landowners an important step in Victoria wild dog control review

11 June 2024

Time to reinstate the dingo unprotection order in northwest Victoria

15 March 2024

Snap change to wild dog control in Victoria leaves producers vulnerable

The decision by the Victorian Government to immediately end the dingo unprotection order in northwest Victoria has left sheep and cattle producers in the region ill-equipped to prevent wild dog attacks on their livestock.


30 January 2024

Industry ready to engage on future of wild dog control in Victoria

The future of wild dog control is front of mind for sheep and cattle producers in Victoria, as they await detail on how the Victorian government will conduct its review process on the state’s wild dog regulatory arrangements over the coming months.


12 September 2023

New research shows dingoes do not suppress feral cat and fox populations

A newly released scientific paper has found the argument to leave dingoes unrestricted in the environment due to their control of invasive pests such as feral cats and foxes is flawed.


1 June 2023

Long term study finds lethal control not putting dingo purity at risk

A decade long study has found there is no evidence that lethal control to reduce livestock losses and for conservation of native wildlife in the southern rangelands of Western Australia is putting dingo purity at risk.


1 June 2023

Large DNA study to determine genetic makeup of dingoes, wild dogs and hybrids

The largest study investigating the nation’s wild dog populations for their dingo purity is underway.


4 May 2023

Coordinated targeted landscape control leads to stock losses at an all-time low

Teamwork and participation across coordinated wild dog management areas has resulted in stock losses at an all-time low and success for landholders and operational staff in the areas inside the Dog Fence on South Australia.


21 April 2023

Cluster fence expansion poses opportunities for threatened fauna

Vast tracts of exclusion fencing for wild dogs across northern Australia are providing opportunities for the recovery of threatened fauna on rangeland grazing properties.


14 April 2023

Practical assistance enhances knowledge and skill in wild dog management

Training and advisory services offered to Western Australia sheep and wool producers to manage wild dogs were stepped up over the past three years thanks to Australia Wool Innovation investment.


20 March 2023

Updating knowledge of wild dog research, legislation and delivery

Current issues and challenges around wild dog management were under the spotlight as more than 50 operational, agency and research staff from around the nation attended a three-day symposium in northern NSW.


10 March 2023

Study revealing pros and cons of livestock guardian dogs on pastoral runs

Having a complete suite of wild dog management tools – trapping, baiting, shooting, exclusion fencing, camera trap monitoring and livestock guardian dogs – is giving a WA family confidence to diversify their enterprise.


2 March 2023

Tools, programs and incentives help deal with predators in peri-urban environment

A suite of educational tools, on-ground programs and incentives is helping landowners in one of Queensland’s major peri-urban areas effectively deal with vertebrate pests.


23 February 2023

Lifting beef production in Fitzroy Basin through best practice predator management

A collaborative and coordinated control and monitoring program aimed at reducing pest animal populations and protecting agricultural assets will ultimately lift beef productivity in Queensland’s Fitzroy Basin.


17 February 2023

Pastoralists can have confidence in FeralScan data security

Pastoralists and land managers can have complete confidence the information they record about wild dog activity, control and livestock attacks entered on FeralScan® (including WildDogScan®) is kept confidential and managed securely.


6 February 2023

Predator management boosts landholder confidence to reinvest

A year down the track from three cluster fences being finished in southern Queensland and the participating pastoralists are back in the business of wool and sheep meat production with an air of confidence.


25 January 2023

Cross jurisdictional collaboration on aerial baiting for conservation outcomes

Last month marked the first time wild dog baits have been substituted for fox baits in Bounceback, a flagship program working to achieve conservation outcomes in South Australia’s north.


22 December 2022

Strengthening relationships around best practice wild dog management in NT

The use of FeralScan and WildDogScan in targeted wild dog control programs was the focus of a recent field day for cattle producers in the Northern Territory.


16 December 2022

Drone mounted bait delivery system managing wild dogs in remote terrain

Improving livestock welfare by identifying and locating vertebrate pests such as wild dogs and feral herbivores is the aim of a drone mounted species recognition system underway in the Murchison region of WA’s Southern Rangelands.


8 December 2022

Predator control benefitting endangered quoll populations in NSW

Australia’s endangered Spotted-tailed Quoll is showing resilience in landscapes where long-term wild dog baiting programs have featured in NSW.


30 November 2022

Learnings from using thermal imagery for pest vertebrate surveys

Using high resolution thermal imagery for surveying vertebrate pest populations has been evaluated by Western NSW Local Land Services in the Riverina at Hay, Balranald and Booligal.


25 November 2022

Collaborative control program kicking goals in the Mallee

Mallee Landcare Group members are working collaboratively with government agencies on the first Mallee region wild dog baiting program on both private and public land.


15 November 2022

Humane control programs whilst conserving protected species

The National Wild Dog Action Plan supports the conservation of protected dingoes in Victoria’s national parks whilst limiting the impacts of wild dogs on neighbouring properties.


4 November 2022

The secret of kicking goals in community engagement on predator management

The NSW Northern Tablelands boasts some of the most rugged terrain in the state but is kicking goals when it comes to community and landholder engagement in a nil-tenure approach to wild dog control.


25 October 2022

Seeking feedback on future areas of investment to tackle wild dogs 

Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme committee members were keen to seek feedback on wild dog projects and potential areas for funding when they inspected WA’s Esperance extension of the State Barrier Fence.


6 October 2022

Dowden explores human element of wild dog management

Managing wild dogs is not easy work with community engagement simply not about the deployment of tools into the landscape by the people whose assets are threatened by incursions.


28 September 2022

One of the nation’s biggest vermin cells well on the way  

Pastoralists in the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia are steadily working on erecting one of the nation’s biggest vermin exclusion cells.


14 September 2022

Producers implementing collaborative predator management to lift lamb survival  

Mansfield Less Predators More Lambs Group presented their findings of the first year of the project at a field day at Mansfield to members of the Goulburn Murray Best Wool/Best Lamb Group.


9 August 2022

NWDAP national landholder survey seeks feedback

A national landholder survey to be undertaken this month aims to generate useful data from across the country to inform landholder needs, the National Wild Dog Action Plan and ongoing engagement and coordination.


9 August 2022

Testing the waters with electricity for control in rugged areas

An electric wild dog exclusion fence design versatile and adaptable enough to cross gullies and steep rocky areas is under evaluation in the Southern Downs region of Queensland.


9 August 2022

Steve’s crusade to save endangered quolls from predation

A permeable exclusion fence keeping wild dogs out and allowing Spotted-tailed Quolls to freely come and go from a conservation area is helping the endangered native species population rebuild.

1 July 2022

One of the world’s most endangered species winning the recovery war against wild dogs

While wild dogs and dingoes remain the key threat to the survival of one of the world’s most critically endangered mammals, the northern hairy nosed wombat, a small Queensland population is kicking goals.

1 July 2022

NWDAP provides ideal framework for tackling feral pig problem

The framework established under the National Wild Dog Action Plan is ideal for tackling the emerging feral pig problem in Victoria, according to the Plan’s Management Coordinator Greg Mifsud.

1 July 2022

Landholders reap benefits of National Wild Dog Action Plan

Small stock producers in Queensland are about to reap the value-added benefits from the National Wild Dog Action Plan.

3 June 2022

Biodiversity benefits from exclusion fence design minus barbwire

A collaborative effort to remove the top barbwire from a wild dog and feral deer fence has been saving the lives of Greater Gliders on a northeast Victorian farm.

3 June 2022

Non-lethal tools not the total solution in wild dog control

Victorian wool growers with a long-term use of livestock guardian dogs believe they are not the panacea for the non-lethal control of dingoes, wild dogs and their hybrids.

3 June 2022

Saving the endangered Bridled Nail-Tailed Wallaby from predator threat

Landholders working collaboratively with government and non-government agencies on predator control have contributed to the successful re-population of the endangered Bridled Nail-Tailed wallaby.

5 May 2022

Koala conservation efforts may be undermined by wild dog predation

The Federal Government’s $74 million commitment to koala conservation may be undermined if wild dog predation is ignored.

5 May 2022

Spatial technology gathering data on wild dogs at Winton

Best practice trapping, ground and aerial baiting, and a $100 bounty for each wild dog scalp delivered to the Rural Services manager is contributing to a zero tolerance of wild dogs in the Queensland shire of Winton.

5 May 2022

Triple bottom line benefits for northern NSW community

Some of the finest wool growing country in the nation will soon benefit from protection from wild dog predation once the Moona-Winterbourne exclusion fence is completed.

14 April 2022

Landholders voice concern over dingo reintroduction proposal

Landholders concerned over a proposal to reintroduce dingoes to state parks and reserves called on a Victorian meeting to lobby key ministers to make their feelings heard.

3 March 2022

Using a multi-pronged approach to wild dog control when running goats

Exclusion fencing has given one Queensland couple the confidence to expand their goat enterprise, but it is also resulting in long term pasture and biodiversity benefits.

3 February 2022

Best practice wild dog management brings Rawlinna out of the wilderness

A concerted effort to refurbish 150km of exclusion fencing combined with a consistent wild dog baiting program has enabled the nation’s largest sheep station to turn the corner in profitability.

3 February 2022

Bulloo blitzing divide between Council and landholders over wild dogs

A unique program aimed at bridging the divide between Council and landholders around wild dog management is winning kudos in local government circles for Bulloo Shire.

11 January 2022

Guidelines streamline wild dog management under organic certification in the NT

Guidelines are being rolled out in the Northern Territory to allow organically certified cattle properties to bait for wild dogs and remain compliant with their certifying body.

10 January 2022

Keeping wild dog management front and centre at Ensay

Keeping ongoing wild dog control front and centre in Victoria’s Gippsland district has been a decade long concern for cattle producer Ken Skews.

5 January 2022

Using science to determine wild dog control efforts

Wild dogs and feral pigs fitted with GPS tracking devices are revealing how they use the landscape in far western NSW.

5 January 2022

Lessons learnt from using posts and wire to curb wild dogs

Lamb survival rates have jumped from 30 to 100 per cent thanks to wild dog exclusion fencing on one western Queensland sheep station.

5 January 2022

From zero sheep to a Merino stud thanks to exclusion fencing

Wild dogs and drought had driven outback Queensland wool grower Anthony Glasson to despair in 2009, forcing him to destock his 109,000ha holding near Thargomindah.

7 December 2021

Monitoring and evaluating pest predator management

Total lamb survival rates have increased by up to five per cent among sheep flocks using best practice predator management techniques in northeast Victoria.

26 November 2021

Murchison vermin cell a step in rebuilding Western Australia’s sheep and goat flock

The completion of the Murchison Regional Vermin Cell means 55 pastoral leases and 6.5 million ha are now enclosed with a wild dog proof vermin fence that over time will enable a return to small stock production.

1 November 2021

Massive fencing project on track to protect sheep industry

Five to eight road trains are needed to deliver the fencing materials to rebuild each new stage of the 2150km South Australian Wild Dog Fence.

26 October 2021

Land use agreement gives green light to WA barrier fence

The long-awaited extension to the historic WA State Barrier fence is due to begin next January.

29 September 2021

Wild dog monitoring tool reducing calf losses on landscape scale

The pest animal recording and management tool, FeralScan, is helping a Northern Territory station to streamline wild dog control and reduce calf losses.

27 September 2021

Wild dog management a template for feral cat and fox control

Strategies proven under the National Wild Dog Action Plan are set to help work undertaken by the new National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordinator.

7 September 2021

Economic boom times for outback Qld on sheep’s back

Wire and steel fence posts are proving to be the economic backbone for Central Western Queensland, creating employment and manufacturing opportunities, and stabilising population decline.

6 September 2021

Consistent baiting puts money in NT cattle producer’s pockets

Five years of proactive wild dog management in the Northern Territory has pushed cattle weaner damage from a high of 15-30 per cent down to 5 per cent.

1 September 2021

Novel scents and lures to catch wild dogs in WA rangelands

Felt lure heads were impregnated with a range of novel odours to lure wild dogs in the WA rangelands.

31 August 2021

Managing threatened species and predators on Astrebla Downs

The high numbers of bilbies and kowaris on Astrebla Downs National Park is a strong testament to the value of the predator control efforts.

9 August 2021

Rising kangaroo prices impact targeted baiting programs

Landholders across four states are now using more targeted pest animal baiting programs on the back of rising kangaroo meat prices. A combination of drought, falling kangaroo quotas and skyrocketing red meat prices have resulted in wild dog management groups paying up to $6.20/kg for kangaroo meat for their spring 2021 baiting campaigns.

9 August 2021

Management programs having tangible impact in Queensland

Landholders have been urged to continue their wild dog management programs on the back of the erection of new cluster fencing through South West Queensland.

9 August 2021

What does Ehrlichiosis mean for the wild dog population?

What is the likely impact on wild dog or dingo populations from the tick borne disease decimating some remote indigenous communities in the Northern Territory? Northern Territory government Ehrlichiosis management coordinator Dr Megan Pickering said the effects of the disease had been dramatic and severe, particularly among the free-ranging dog populations in the territory’s indigenous communities.

21 July 2021

Wild dog trapping program helping to bridge the divide

Landholders in the NSW western division now have a great incentive to explore trapping as a management tool for wild dogs thanks to a new promotion through the Professional Wild Dog Controller Program.

30 June 2021

Ensuring the life of SA’s Dog Fence into the future

Stakeholder consultation is being undertaken in South Australia on a proposal to increase the number of ratepayers contributing to the upkeep and replacement of the state’s dog fence.

11 May 2021

Funding boost to manage the impacts of wild dogs

The Australian Government is investing a further $214,500 to continue its support for the implementation of the National Wild Dog Action Plan 2020-2030, through Australian Wool Innovation.

31 March 2021

New faces on NWDAP Coordination Committee

The National Wild Dog Management Coordination Committee plays an important role directing wild dog management policy and research priorities. This month, the committee welcomes three new members.

13 January 2021

Rethink needed on plan to reintroduce dingoes into the Grampians

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) and the National Wild Dog Action Plan (NWDAP) are concerned about the proposal to reintroduce dingoes into the Grampians National Park and say the risks to nearby livestock and already threatened fauna are far too great.

3 December 2020

Learn how to make wild dogs take the bait

Ground-breaking Australian Government-funded workshops are helping organic-certified producers in South Australia combat the wild dog scourge while maintaining access to premium organic markets.

29 June 2020

New National Wild Dog Action Plan launched

The National Wild Dog Action Plan (NWDAP) 2020-30 is Australia’s new blueprint for humane, best practice wild dog management.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

29 June 2020

National approach to managing wild dog scourge

David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management

28 April 2020

New National Wild Dog Action Plan videos on how to keep a wild dog problem ‘licked’

Producers are applying the NWDAP's principles of wild dog management and getting results.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

24 March 2020

Learn how to use ‘Muzzles for Working Dog Safety’ in just one click

National Wild Dog Action Plan

2 December 2019

SA Wild Dog Program ‘Biteback’ celebrates 10 years of success

Landscape South Australia

26 November 2019

National Wild Dog Action Plan proves worth in review

National Wild Dog Action Plan

17 November 2019

The facts about Victoria’s aerial baiting program

National Wild Dog Action Plan

14 October 2019

Knowledge sharing builds confidence in SA Dog Fence rebuild project

National Wild Dog Action Plan

10 October 2019

Crowd funding the solution for wild dog fence project ‘down to the wire’

The Karara Gore Wild Dog Management Group turned to crowd funding to solve a shortfall of materials to complete their exclusion fencing project.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

Wild dogs push threatened koala populations towards extinction

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

New face of Queensland’s central west

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

NWDAP launches new organic guidelines

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

New Midlands Biosecurity Group for WA

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

What’s for dinner?

National Wild Dog Action Plan

8 September 2019

Two-day wild dog and pig workshop

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 August 2019

Rinse and repeat – How wild dog groups are using the National Wild Dog Action Plan template to tackle feral pigs

National Wild Dog Action Plan

4 July 2019

SA Dog Fence project rebuilding hope in state’s pastoral zone

The $25 million project to repair South Australia’s ailing dog fence and restore pastoralists faith in their future is underway.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 June 2019

Industry positive about National Wild Dog Action Plan progress

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 June 2019

Success at last for Esperance State Barrier Fencing saga

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 June 2019

Baiting programs reduce wild dog impacts in Murray/Riverina district

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 June 2019

FeralScan active in WA

National Wild Dog Action Plan

26 April 2019

Victorian case studies in wild dog control: the journey, the experience and how it works now.

National Wild Dog Management Plan

27 March 2019

Is the dingo a true-blue native Australian species? Taxonomists say no.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

22 March 2019

Wild dog management supported from both sides of the fence

National Wild Dog Management Plan

22 March 2019

SA workshop spreads the word about wild dogs

South Australia’s Wild Dog Coordinator Marty Bower spends weeks at a time in the more remote areas of the state.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

22 March 2019

SW QLD Wild Dog Coordinator making a difference

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 February 2019

New video explains multi-tool approach to wild dog control

National Wild Dog Action Plan

26 October 2018

Proactive wild dog management pays dividends in the west

National Wild dog Action Plan

29 August 2018

NWDAP responds to recent calls to phase out 1080 baiting

National Wild Dog Action Plan

27 August 2018

1080 poison baiting – the facts

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 August 2018

Industry drives National Wild Dog Action Plan agenda

National Wild Dog Action Plan

12 June 2018

Boost to wild dog support for livestock producers

Livestock producers in North and North West Queensland now have access to a wild dog specialist.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

11 March 2018

More communities take the bait and commit to long term pest control

National Wild Dog Action Plan

13 November 2017

The wild dog problem in suburbia

A new video has been launched to create further awareness of wild dog management in peri-urban areas.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

28 August 2017

Cluster fencing keeping wild dogs out

NWDAP and RAPAD have released a new video highlighting the success of the cluster fencing project in central western Queensland.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

3 August 2017

An environmentally responsible option for invasive species control

National Wild Dog Action Plan

20 June 2017

Wild dog management champions making local impacts

National Wild Dog Action Plan

10 May 2017

Celebrating the life of a true wild dog control advocate

National Wild Dog Action Plan

6 March 2017

Natural Australian toxin protecting plants and wildlife from predators

Many people are unaware that the poison 1080 is the most environmentally-sensitive and target-specific poison available.

Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Management Coordinator

6 March 2017

Dingo diets do not discriminate

National Wild Dog Action Plan

2 March 2017

First Training Pilot completed for Pest Animal Controllers

National Wild Dog Action Plan

16 June 2016

Communities winning the war against wild dogs

National Wild Dog Action Plan

11 June 2016

ABC Landline: Feature on wild dogs

National Wild Dog Action Plan

18 March 2016

Collaborative effort welcomed in Queensland wild dog management

NWDAP welcomes the recent announcement of a joint Australian-Queensland Government offer of more than $5.2 million to assist landholders in Central Western Queensland to construct cluster fencing and complete aerial baiting.

National Wild Dog Action Plan

21 December 2015

ABC Rural: Cost of attacks by wild dogs on livestock and native animals much greater than previously thought

National Wild Dog Action Plan

22 May 2015

​$1.35 million additional funding for National Wild Dog Action Plan​

National Wild Dog Action Plan​

24 February 2015

Maintaining vigilance pays off for wild dog control

National Wild Dog Action Plan

29 September 2014

National Wild Dog Action Plan launched

National Wild Dog Action Plan
