Seeking feedback on future areas of investment to tackle wild dogs 

Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme committee members were keen to seek feedback on wild dog projects and potential areas for funding when they inspected WA’s Esperance extension of the State Barrier Fence. 

During 2020-21 six projects were funded with Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Wild Dog Eradication Grants and the Committee initiated a working group comprised of Committee members and DPIRD staff to provide robust advice on future areas for investment to address wild dogs.

Funds are raised through a producer contribution of 17 cents per head on the sale of sheep and goats (live or carcases). 

The aim of the program is to reduce the impact of wild dogs and deliver benefits to the WA sheep and goat industry, and focuses on eradicating wild dogs from within dog fenced areas.

It supports the delivery of on-ground wild dog control measures (including monitoring /surveillance), research and development (including training) to improve wild dog management and control, and complements the wild dog control activities underway in WA.

The Eastern Wheatbelt Biosecurity Group received $20,760 for an aerial and ground baiting program, Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity Association $60,000 for wild dog management, Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association $65,000, Midlands Biosecurity Group $56,000 for onground control activities, and Eastern Wheatbelt Biosecurity Group $33,000 for aerial and ground baiting.

The Shire of Kent received $22,131 for wild dog monitoring and control around potential sheep attack areas identified within the Magenta project area.

The Southern Biosecurity Group received $40,581 for monitoring species movements through three strategic gaps in the Esperance extension of the State Barrier Fence to inform management interventions.

Sheep and Goats Industry Funding Scheme chair Karen Smith said the framework for wild dog program funding addresses specific gaps in wild dog control efforts, improving research and population monitoring, and strengthening the statewide approach to wild dog control.

National Wild Dog Action Plan Co-ordination Committee member Scott Pickering also serves on the Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee along with Amanda Day, Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association, member of the WA Wild Dog Alliance Group Jim Sullivan, Kelly Pearce, Yealering, and Maria Griffiths, Nangetty. 

To view a working plan for wild dog management click here.

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